
Actuarial Expertise.
Value Creation.

SunCX provides consulting and resourcing services to clients within the insurance, wealth management, financial services, corporate and consulting sectors. We have a solid foundation in actuarial science and a breadth of cross-disciplinary skills, which underpins the services we provide.

Going beyond to seize opportunities is in our nature – from simple process automation suggestions to complex suggestions requiring multiple phases and stakeholders. Whatever we work on – we use initiative to identify opportunities to create value.

We’re well positioned both as a technical expert or as a bridge across disciplines. We understand people – their skills, personalities and drivers – which influences how we execute the goals we set. We deliver a strong outcome while making it enjoyable for clients to work with us.

Actuarial Support Services


Pricing is both a science and art. We provide pricing support with a focus on alignment with business objectives. We’ve assisted with life insurance retail pricing, group pricing (large fund & corporate), wealth management pricing and operational pricing.

Valuation & Capital

Accurate valuation and capital calculations are crucial to internal decision making and regulators. We understand the pressures of reporting and the technical complexity. We’ve assisted with valuation, capital, IFRS17 and experience investigation.


Reinsurance enables business opportunities. Navigating treaties can be tricky – requiring product, risk and political alignment. We’ve assisted from both sides, including recapture, pricing, product enhancements, strategy and inforce treaty reviews.

Bespoke Modelling & Analysis

Model Build & Review

Robust models enable effective decision making. We build complex models with a clean design. Assumptions & limitations are rigorously assessed. We’ve built a plethora of financial and operational models cross industry & product.

Compliance & Remediation

Healthy regulator relationships requires ongoing attention. We appreciate the balance between accurate results and effort. We’ve assisted with APRA forms for insurers & funds, bespoke requests (eg IP claims, IFRS17) and remediation.

Financial Analysis

Impactful financial analysis is more than just technical accuracy. We understand the purpose of financial analysis in relation to decision making. We’ve assisted with product development, strategic planning and business case initiatives.

Strategy, Product & Market Insights

Strategy, M&A

Qualitative and quantitative rigor lead to strong strategy. We’ve assisted with strategic initiatives including group strategy, market entry and competitor analysis. We’ve assisted with M&A buy/sell/scale analysis for insurers and wealth managers.

Product Development

Successful product development requires dynamic ideation and iteration. We understand the need for adaptability, creativity and honesty. We’ve worked across diverse teams to build MVO offerings within insurance and financial advice distribution.

Market Insights

Riding market waves can accelerate growth and market position. Evidence-based studies unlock hidden insights to enable prioritisation of initiatives. We design human-centric studies that highlight market thoughts, allowing early preparation for future trends.

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